Infinity Roads Page 90


PAGE 90! I’m very proud to have gotten this far. This Monday and next Friday I will post some guest art because I seriously need a break… so keep coming back, more comics on Monday March 22.

New and updates! (graphic novel, anime cons and top web comics!)

Well the silence is broken…. I don’t write on here nearly enough, i will try to change that from now on. Here’s what’s up in Infinity Roads land.
For one I added a top web comics button so you can vote for this thing 😉 Also the next page will mark the end of chapter 3. I’m going to take a few days off and post up some guest fan art from some fellow artist friends in the meantime. I’ve been thinking and planning for the future and the possible compilation of Infinity Roads into a color graphic novel. I would appreciate some feedback on whether or not anyone is interested in purchasing one in the future and how many pages you think it should be. (I was thinking around 200 or so) Other things i would love to hear feedback on:

Do you think it would be cool to have additional illustrations in the back of the book?
How big should it be (inches or measurement)
What is a reasonable price for a 150-200 page graphic novel?
Really I’d like to hear anything, opinions or ideas, for the future : )

ALSO! I plan to attend AnimeNext 2010 in New Jersey, but I will not be at the Artist Alley as I usually am. If you read my comic and would like to hang out leave me a note or comment here, it would be great to meet some new people 🙂

Ok then, vote for the comic, give me some ideas, and if you can, come to Animenext!!!

Tim S.