New York Comic Con

Well after a long weekend of attending the New York Comic Con, I am pleased to say I survived and the con was awesome. I was truly surprised at how much fun I had there. I’m going to post the next page tomorrow, since I got home late last night and was completely exausted. But the page is around 60%done and should be ready to go by tomorrow.

Now for the con… Some of the more interesting sights were as follows:
Hairy chested, overweight wonder woman with a beard.
Deadpool wearing a ballerina tutu.
100$ Lum figures ( I wish I could have bought one)
The awesome Bandai booth with tons of beautiful action figures. (gundams, megaman, Saint Seiya)
New gremlins toys bought by my good friend over at Beyond the Canopy.
Ugly yellow Venom toy with breasts (WTF?!?!)
More people than I have ever seen at a convention.
Giant Adventure Time Balloon
Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 on a huge screen TV.
My old art teacher from Highschool (very random coincidence).
Giant Evangelion cloth pin up.
Queen’s blade toys (costing well over 100$ each).
Rob Liefeld imitators.. (yes somehow there still exist).
The writer for my favorite Star Trek The Next Generation Episode “The Inner Light.”

Overall it was a great time… And I suggest if any of you readers can.. go next year. it’s a ton of fun..

Great comic I discovered while there:

Good stuff and very nice artist!